59 results

Map of the protected areas for Malaita province in the Solomon Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Rennell and Bellona provinces in the Solomon Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Tematu province in the Solomon Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Western province in the Solomon Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Marine waste incidences per country reported by observers

direct link to Solomon Island's data on the GBIF website

direct link to all species occurrences in Solomon Islands on the GBIF records

This represents sub-sectors within the Cropland category (which is 7.77 of total land)

The respective question asked in the 2009 census was “Does this household have any livestock?”, and answer boxes were provided for the number of cows, pigs, goats, horses, and poultry.

Global Forest Watch data. Tree cover loss is not the same as deforestation. Tree cover loss means the removal of tree canopy due to human and natural causes, and includes trees in plantations as well as natural forests.

Direct internet link to Solomon Island's forest data on the Global Forest Watch website for more information.

A direct internet link to the related data on the Stats office website for more information.

the rate of population growth from 1931 - 2009

Direct internet link to the profile of language status of the Solomon Islands on the Ethnologue website