Direct internet link to the profile of language status of the Solomon Islands on the Ethnologue website
This PER considers logging operation that Southern Forest Industry has proposed to undertake in its concession areas in west Are'are, Malaita Province. The operation will be undertaken on Hahonanihau, Hunanara and Horonaria Customary lands
This Public Environment Report considers logging operations that Maximus International proposes to undertake in its timber concession area on vella la vella , Western Province.
This graph shows the profile of languages in Solomon Islands with respect to their status of language development versus language endangerment. Each individual language that has an entry for Solomon Islands is included in the profile. Adapted from
This PER considers logging opeartions on two registered perpetual estate /land in South Choisuel namely Saraluti and Nsingunu. The developer is Treasury Timber Company Limited.
The NDS focuses on two key areas; social and economic livelihoods, hence its National Vision “**Improving the Social and Economic Livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders”.**
The “Coral Triangle” (CT) region is located along the equator and covers all or part of the exclusive economic zones of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. The marine and coastal resources of the Coral Triangle are under significant and increasing threat. This document presents a shared national agenda for Solomon Islands and its National Plan of Action (NPoA) on implementing the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security for the Coral Triangle (CT) region.
This is a summary report of the Solomon Islands National Plan of Action (NPOA) targets review workshop held for stakeholders in July 2012.
Zipped file comprising of Annexed documents of the SI National Plan of Action. Includes the following:
* Graph showing of number of communities living within 1km of coast by Provinces
* Map showing LMMA sites (Govan et al. 2009)
* Map showing coral reef areas for Solomon Islands
* Map showing coral reefs and LMMA sites 2009
* Graph of fish by wards
* Graph of fish by provinces
A fact-sheet about the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security developed by ADB in 2008
Powerpoint awareness presentation on waste management
This contains frequently asked questions with some information to respond to these student fieldwork questions.
Information brochure of how to manage wastes.
Brief information on Solid Waste Management in Honiara.
This is an education awareness on Environmental Degradation.
This is a powerpoint presentation done by ECD staff in November 2008, introducing the national CTI program
This is a copy of the presentation made by Dr. Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The Republic of Indonesia, in 2008.
This is a collated zipped file of the documents and results from the first meeting of CTI Coordination Committee (CCC1) in Jakarta (May 22-24) 2008. This contains all decision documents (the "Jakarta Draft", Chairman's Summary, the decision document on coordination mechanism, and the decision document on roadmap adjustment) as well as all other supporting documents (daily minutes, expert's presentation, and the Issues and Options Discussion Draft).