CBRM documents, publications, posters, reports, maps and other related resources
Dataset containing all published State of Environment Reports for Solomon Islands in the previous years and the current draft 2018.
Presented to the 3rdConsultation Workshop on Historical Annual Forest and Land Use Change Assessment and Forest Reference Level in the Solomon Islands Kitano Mendana Hotel, Honiara, Solomon Island 03rd July, 2018.
The natural environment surrounding the Gold Ridge mine has been modified substantially and requires an ongoing monitoring program to ensure the ecosystem services of food and water for the local communities continue to be safe. This dataset hosts an article relating to a study that assessed the catchments surrounding the Gold Ridge gold mine (Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands) and found that extensive changes in river course, and water and sediment quality have occurred downstream of the gold mine since its development.
A outcome of the 10 days trip to Waisisi Oil Palm Project site (Wairokai) in Malaita conducted by the Land Use team of MAL from 22nd July to 31st July 2016.
Land use planning assessments is important in that it visualizes landscape and environment features of sites including soils and population pressure on the use of land. Helps decision making at multiple levels in projects planning: at the national, provincial, constituency, ward, community and tribal levels, corresponding to the levels of governance at which decisions about land use are formalized.
The purpose of the survey was to conduct land use Farm Planning assessment of registered lands LR 174, 176, 177 Gozoruru on land scape scoping methods in using satellite imageries, GPS, Soil survey, land suitability
Most of the development activities that generate foreign earnings for the economy of Solomon Islands are heavily dependent upon the exploitation and utilization of natural resources. For many years, economic development activities in Solomon Islands have not integrated environmental considerations.
FAO Agriculture and Fair Trade in Pacific Island Countries. This desk study has been prepared by Winnie Fay Bell and comments were kindly provided by the Pacific Regional Organic Task Force in May 2009
The increased demand for high quality products in export markets, coupled with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) national desire to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming structures, lead to assume that organic agriculture could offer good prospects for PICs development. Besides market opportunities, organic agriculture could increase PICs food self-reliance and thus, contribute to reducing the alarming trend of dependency on food imports, as well as improving nutrition.