A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool that is used to assess and manage individual development projects, with an aim of maximising positive benefits and minimising negative impacts for local communities and their environment. When used effectively, EIA can help to support the achievement of green growth targets, climate change resilience, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Solomon Islands National Waste Management and Pollution Control Strategy 2017-2026 is the country's roadmap for managing waste and controlling pollution in the natural environment for the next 10 years with the vision for clean, healthy and green happy isles. The strategy addresses 5 main waste streams: Solid Waste, Liquid Waste, Hazardous and Chemical Waste, Healthcare Waste and Electronic Waste.
This data contains information related to environmental programs and activities undertaken by the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Ltd relevant for the SOE/NEMS.
CEPF is designed to safeguard Earth’s biologically richest yet threatened terrestrial regions, known
as biodiversity hotspots. CEPF is a joint initiative of l’Agence Française de Développement,
Conservation International, the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government
of Japan and the World Bank. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society plays a critical role in
achieving biodiversity conservation outcomes.
CEPF’s niche for investment in the East Melanesian Islands was formulated through a participatory
There is a lack of reliable information on the population status of saltwater crocodiles and the extent of human-crocodile conflict in the country. This report thus summarizes the results of a nationwide survey that aimed to fill these knowledge gaps.
The purpose of this PER (Public Environment Report) is to assess the impacts of the planned logging operations and to propose measures to mitigate adverse impacts of the operations by Vula Enterprise Ltd in Vula customary lands located in Vangunu Island
This includes raw survey data, reports, spread sheets ,jpeg and pdf information of waste management information in the provinces.
reports, photographs, surveys , aerial photographs of the ranadi landfill site
This contains awareness materials,presentations and promotional materials in the form of photographs, posters, brochures, pull up frame banners, videos and reports.
This contains reports, photographs, pdf,jpeg data on the J-PRISM II Project.
This is the copy of the Draft Environment Bill 2023 for comments/feedbacks/queries.
Barana Community in north-west Guadalcanal Province and Hadja Community in Makira Ulawa Province is now equip with some relevant tools and materials to deal with waste in their respective communities. This was made possible following the delivery of tools to Barana Community yesterday and the handing over of the materials and tools to Hadja Community for waste management two weeks ago.
General News
6 September 2019, Apia, Samoa – Environment Ministers from around the Pacific region met today in Apia, Samoa at the conclusion of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment (SPREP)’s 29th Meeting of Officials, to identify key priorities in relation to some of the most pressing environmental issues faced by the region.
Reports, photographs, spread sheets,pdf files.