2 results
 Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology

The report was commissioned at the end of May 2008 with delivery of the final product by end June 2008. As such, it has been

researched and written over a very compressed timeline. Considerable shortcomings and inconsistencies in data

needed to be tackled in this period, and so a rapid desk assessment approach was used with limited opportunity for peer review and feedback.

Available online|1 copy

Call Number: 333.72 PAC [EL]

Physical Description: 97 p.

 BirdLife International

An analysis to collate recent biodiversity surveys within Key Biodiversity Areas in Guadalcanal, Malaita, Renbel and Temotu Provinces.  This is a contribution to the EREPA (Ensuring Resilient Ecosystems and Representative Protected Areas in the Solomon Islands) project, with funding through SPREP.