OSCAR (Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time) contains near-surface ocean current estimates, derived using quasi-linear and steady flow momentum equations. The horizontal velocity is directly estimated from sea surface height, surface vector wind and sea surface temperature. These data were collected from the various satellites and in situ instruments. The model formulation combines geostrophic, Ekman and Stommel shear dynamics, and a complementary term from the surface buoyancy gradient. Data are on a 1/3 degree grid with a 5 day resolution.
Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
A direct internet link to and resources pertaining the Blue Habitat website which has been established as a portal for information on the global distribution of marine ‘blue’ habitats. Knowledge on the distribution of blue habitats is an important input into ocean management, marine spatial planning and biodiversity conservation.
This report summarises the projected changes in ocean chemistry for the Pacific island region (from 130°E to 130°W and 25°N to 25°S) at regional and sub-regional scales, assessing the vulnerability of Pacific coastal and oceanic habitats and fisheries to ocean acidification using an established framework, and discussing the implications for the Pacific island communities dependent on fisheries and aquaculture for food security and livelihood
This volume is the third of a four-volume report entitled 'Cities, Seas and Storms: Managing Change in the Pacific Island Economies' produced by the World Bank. The key outcome of the report is intended to be an improved understanding of the need for management interventions. The report also argues for a greater collaboration between traditional, national and regional organizations in ocean management, able to maximize their comparative strengths while minimizing the inefficiencies in their interaction.
Pacific Factsheet on ocean acidification, briefly covering how it links to SDGs
This paper addresses the question of whether the increased occurrence of central Pacific (CP) versus Eastern
Pacific (EP) El Niños is consistent with greenhouse gas forced changes in the background state of the tropical Pacific as inferred from global climate change models.
The analysis uses high‐quality satellite and in situ ocean data combined with wind data from atmospheric reanalyses for the past 31 years (1980–2010).
GEBCO's aim is to provide the most authoritative publicly-available bathymetry of the world's oceans. It operates under the joint auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization(IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (of UNESCO).
GEBCO produces and makes available a range of bathymetric data sets and products. This includes a global bathymetric grid; gazetteer of undersea feature names, a Web Map Service and printable maps of ocean bathymetry.
Regional data on marine pollution. Observed marine pollution incidences in the Pacific.
A direct internet link to easily access the visualization of ocean acidification conditions and data synthesis products being collected around the world on the GOA-ON Data Explorer portal.
This contains 10 field reports of 10 ocean planning teams in 201, that conducted Solomon Islands first round of consultations to the nine Provinces and Honiara, towards the development of a National Marine Spatial Plan by 2020. The national initiative is lead by MFMR and MECDM as mandated by the Ocean12 (a body comprising of 12 key ocean-Ministries) as per the Solomon Islands National Ocean Policy. Funding and technical support were provided by IUCN, GIZ and WCS through the PEUMP Project. These 10 reports will be annexed to the main Ocean Planning first round consultations report.
Final report, field reports and maps of the first round of nationwide ocean planning consultation 2019.