25 results
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

Regional data on marine pollution. Observed marine pollution incidences in the Pacific.

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for Solomon Islands in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas2021-2025 is the principal regional strategy document for environmental conservation in the Pacific. Its purpose is to guide broad strategic guidance for nature conservation planning, prioritisation, and implementation in our region. It reflects the urgent need for transformative action in response to the multiple accelerating threats, both established and emerging, that are faced by nature and people in the Pacific.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Reports by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Status of the Coral Reefs in the Pacific and Outlook. Reports by the Global Coral Reef Network in collaboration with UNEP, IUCN and other agencies

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Current State of Knowledge of Cetacean Threats, Diversity and Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

FAO Agriculture and Fair Trade in Pacific Island Countries. This desk study has been prepared by Winnie Fay Bell and comments were kindly provided by the Pacific Regional Organic Task Force in May 2009

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Forest area for pacific island countries

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Data on climate change, disaster risk and risk management in the Pacific.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This research is part of the Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies (APPS) Working Paper Series 04/ published October 2013. The Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that targets research in policy studies in Asia and the Pacific. The Journal aims to break down barriers across disciplines and generate policy impact.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Development Bulletin has, for 28 years, been the journal of the Development Studies Network based at the Australian National University. It is an occasional publication providing at least one issue a year. The journal includes commissioned and submitted papers and is available in hard copy or online for free download. Each issue focuses on a specific, topical development theme providing a multi-disciplinary perspective on a range of opinions on development activities, theories, and research. The papers in DB are short and concise with a word limit of 3,500.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Consists of KEY INDICATORS for Asia and the Pacific 2012 and an additional Chapter on Green Urbanization in Asia

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Marine pollution originating from purse seine and longline fishing vessel operations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, 2003-2015.

The data was collected by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's Observer Programme

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for Wallis and Futuna in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for French Polynesia in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for the Northern Mariana Islands in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for Guam in a GIS-friendly format. The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.