3 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This paper stresses out that human resources development in the marine sector is a priority. The University of the South Pacific is a key player in tertiary training and education, and it is the purpose of this document to outline the role that USP, specifically its Marine Studies Programme (MSP) is playing in building capacity in the marine sector of the region.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

Information on Ocean zones to be used within Solomon Islands Ocean Governance

 Ocean Planning

This contains 10 field reports of 10 ocean planning teams in 201, that conducted Solomon Islands first round of consultations to the nine Provinces and Honiara, towards the development of a National Marine Spatial Plan by 2020. The national initiative is lead by MFMR and MECDM as mandated by the Ocean12 (a body comprising of 12 key ocean-Ministries) as per the Solomon Islands National Ocean Policy. Funding and technical support were provided by IUCN, GIZ and WCS through the PEUMP Project. These 10 reports will be annexed to the main Ocean Planning first round consultations report.