550 results

Technical Brief on Ocean Zones and their Application guidelines for Marine Spatial Planning. Ocean Zones were developed in a workshop by local experts in June 2017. The respective application guidelines were developed based on the defined ocean zones and best scientific knowledge.
Both resources are part of the MSP process commissioned by Ocean12 and supported by the MACBIO project. Ocean12 approved this technical brief in September 2019.

Power-point by Richardson on Marine pollution originating from purse seine and
longline fishing vessel operations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, 2003-2015

Report on SUMAs in a medium resolution. Demarcating SUMAs is part of Marine Spatial Planning as commissioned by Ocean12 and supported by MACBIO (Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Management in Pacific Island Countries) project. Marine experts defined inshore and offshore SUMAs in a workshop in July 2017. The report describes the method and the results.

2018 Status and Trends of Coral reefs in the Pacific. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network.

2014 Regional State of the Coral Triangle - Coral Triangle Marine Resources, their status, economies and management report. Produced by the Asian Development Bank and the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security.

2014 State of the Coral Triangle - Solomon Islands. Produced by Asian Development Bank and the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security.

User Guide on getting started with the Inform Data portal

Greenhouse gas emissions by sub sectors.

This document contains an overview of the environmental, social, geographical and economic circumstances of the Solomon Islands; presents a comprehensive national greenhouse gas inventory; addresses the issues of mitigation and vulnerability; and adaptation; and concludes with a summary of public awareness, education and capacity building within the people of the Solomon Islands.

The SNC is presented as part of Solomon Islands‟ obligation to the UNFCCC

The document describes Solomon Island's country-level policies that impact air quality.

A report on the planned mitigation actions of the Solomon Islands funded as the Solomon Islands Contribution.

This brochure contains a summary of climate projections for the Solomon Islands.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources published these statistics on marine exports from 2011-2015.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of the Aorigi community on Santa Catalina Island in Solomon Islands.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of Manoaba Island in Solomon Islands.