63 results

This is a powerpoint presentation done by ECD staff in November 2008, introducing the national CTI program

This is a copy of the presentation made by Dr. Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The Republic of Indonesia, in 2008.

This is the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security (CTI-CFF) 10-year Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) that serves to capture priorities and actions of the Coral Triangle countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-leste) to safeguarding the world's epicenter of marine biodiversity. This was released in Manado, Indonesia in May 2009.

Pacific Vision is for a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion, and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy, and productive lives.

Summary table for the SPREP core national environment indicators. Includes theme and indicator definition, purpose and desired outcome.

This publication is a companion piece to Island Innovations—UNDP and GEF: Leveraging Environment and Energy
for the Sustainable Development of SIDS, a joint UNDP and GEF (Global Environment Facility) book launched at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, 2014.

The handbook is a joint publication of Environment Canada and the University of Joensuu – United Nations Environment Programme Course on International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy. Environment Canada initiated this project and provided core contributions for the main text. UNEP generously provided the glossary, as well as expert advice on the handbook as a whole.

This policy applies to SPREP’s own data as well as data held by SPREP on behalf of government agencies and partners within the Pacific.
The purpose of this policy is to:
• encourage the free exchange of data with other government agencies and partners within the Pacific and with the public in the Pacific and beyond
• promote the benefits of data sharing, and its links to good governance, accountability, public participation and the rule of law

These guidelines detail the process, timeline, and steps taken to complete a State of Environment Report.