33 results
 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Water quality and sediment assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Marine and Coastal assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Freshwater Biodiversity assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Terrestrial Biodiversity assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Built Environment and Economic assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Social and cultural assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Health Impact Assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Alternative Discloser and cumulative impact assessment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Environment Management Plan

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

SIRC EIS available for public review and comment

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

CBRM documents, publications, posters, reports, maps and other related resources

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

Reports, documents, briefs, studies, awareness materials and spreadsheets of whales and dolphins for Solomon Islands

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division