112 results

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the global threats to coral reefs: acidification, future thermal stress, integrated future threats, and past thermal stress.

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the local threats to coral reefs: coastal development, integrated local, marine pollution, overfishing, and watershed pollution.

Shapefile containing the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields in WGS84 coordinate system.

general garbage oil spillage metal leakages chemicals

Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a resource for logged-in users.

Zip file contains a video explaining how to create a visualization for logged-in users.

Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a group and user for logged-in users.

This new set of 60 indicator icons can be used in a State of Environment report to indicate the status of environmental issues and progress in a country.