35 results

a direct internet link to access MACBIO Pacific website

This is the cvs format of the Honiara Ecosystem Services data in the excel file

The Commonwealth Litter Project (CLiP) supported Solomon Islands to take action on plastics entering the oceans. Currently 80% of marine litter is estimates to be originated on land and Cefas contracted Asia Pacific Waste Consultants to assess the land waste production rates and waste management performances. The sample collection was limited by the ease of collection of samples, the ability to transport samples, as well as the presence and absence of collection systems Commercial premises were divided into four major categories.

Excel spread sheet of waste data for commercial business sector in Buala in 2014.

This is a Chart which illustrates the different types of wastes composed in the household waste stream in Buala in 2014.

CSV file containing species richness values and mapping parameters for marine species (with a probability of occurrence > 0.5) derived from AquaMaps. A total of 33,512 species were used in the generation of this file.
Coordinate system is WGS84 (ESPG 4326) with coordinates expressed in longitude and latitude.

Fields in this file are:
C-Square Code: unique identifier for grid
Longitude: longitude in decimal degrees
Latitude: latitude in decimal degrees
Species Count: number of species modeled at given point

CSV file containing the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields in WGS84 coordinate system.

vegetation types within the mainland coastal region provinces

vegetation types for the provinces in the PNG highlands region

Each value represents the number of dumping events observed on fishing vessels during the period 2003-2015