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08 June 2021 | dataset

Marine Conservation example: Arnavon Community Marine Conservation Area

Arnavon Community Marine Conservation Area (ACMCA) was first established in 1995 and aims to conserve all species inhabiting the Arnavon Islands. Within the project MACBIO ACMCA was one of the focus areas. Analysis and lessons learned are summarised in this dataset. (2017)

Data and Resource

Lessons for community resource management

Poster developed by MACBIO summarizing lessons…

ACMCA - A review of successes, challenges and lessons learned

In the MABCBIO project, ACMCA was taken as…

Gudfala save long komuniti risos management

Poster developed by MACBIO summarizing lessons…

Field Value
Publisher Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 0eefdc4e-dbe4-4afa-95c8-393b5cc31417
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Arnavon Islands
Relevant Countries Solomon Islands
Language English (Australia)
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name Anja Nicolay-Grosse Hokamp
Contact Email